Leadership- A Path to Greatness-eBook Course

  • coacht
  • 1/1000 Students
  • Character Building,Communication,Conflict Resolution,Leadership,Relationships
  • 5 Lessons /0 Quizes

You have the desire to be a leader that sets YOU apart from the rest!

Are you looking to become a great leader? Then this course is for you! In “Leadership- A Path To Greatness”, we explore what it takes to be a great leader. We’ll discuss the qualities that make a good leader, how to develop those qualities, and how to use them to achieve success. This course is packed with useful information that will help you on your path to becoming a great leader. So watch now and learn what it takes to be a leader of greatness!

What will I learn?-

-10 Characteristics of Leadership
-Why Is It Important To Learn Leadership Skills
-10 Ways You Can Develop Leaderships Skills
-How to Apply The S.E.A. OF Success® to Acquire -Leadership Skills
-How To Assess Your Leadership Style

Understand what leadership qualities you already possess, and which ones you need to improve upon.

124.50USD 249.00USD
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Additional Details

  • Middle
  • 10 points
  • December 9, 2022 1:23 AM
Course Curriculum

Leadership- A Path To Greatness

1 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Leadership- A Path to Greatness-eBook 50 points 1w

Discover Your Leadership Characteristics

1 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Discover Your Leadership Characteristics 50 points 1h

Unleash Your Leadership Potential

1 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Unleash Your Leadership Potential 50 points 1h

Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire

1 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire 50 points 45m

Leadership Quotes

1 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Leadership Quotes 50 points 10m

About the Instructor

9 Courses
12 Students
Antwaun Thompson or Coach T®, has coached and mentored young men and women, helping to improve their athletic skills, personal growth, and personal relationship skills for over 30 years. His basketball coaching covers elementary, middle, and high school, AAU, college and just completed his 10th year at a private school. Coach T®, is the founder and executive Director of JLT Fieldhouse, a 501c3 nonprofit youth coaching and mentoring organization, dedicated to “Coaching and Mentoring the Leaders of Tomorrow”. This organization is named in honor of his late father, Sgt. Maj. Joe Lewis Thompson, USMC, who adopted Antwaun and his older brother after their mom and Joe were married. The lessons learned from his father is what inspires him to continue by passing it on to the next generation of leaders. He is also the owner of Coach T’s Corner®, an online mentoring academy that is designed to “Educate, Support and Inspire” our future leaders of tomorrow and to better prepare them to take ownership of the tools for a prosperous future. He has developed the “S.E.A. Of Success®” , which cove the three key elements to preteen and teen success. The “Why” for Coach T® is that many young people are missing key interpersonal skills that are preventing them from the success they deserve, want and desire. At and early stage in his life, he didn’t know what tomorrow would bring, so he has made it his passion, mission and purpose in life is to provide the necessary guidance, leadership, and direction to middle and high school students.
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